Милкинг простаты что это такое

Милкинг простаты что это такое

результат изменится..и еще как. )))

ласки простаты , иначе говоря prostate milking — это эротический (а не только медицинский) массаж (стимуляция, ласки) простаты.

стимулировать простату можно пальцем или специальным девайсом, которых полно в секс-шопах..разных размером — от мизинчика до елды в аршин размером. Простату можно стимулировать внутренне или внешне.

Прямой (внутренний) массаж предстательной железы может быть очень расслабляющим и эротическим, а еще это очень здОрово для здоровья простаты. Но канеш просто так от балды его нельзя делать. Ибо если какие-то инфекции или простатит в начальной стадии, то неправильно выполненный массаж может усугубить болезнь или вызвать осложнения.

НЕ медицинский массаж простаты доставляет необыкновенное удовольствие мужчинам, поверьте ))
Некоторым не нравится, потому что есть предубеждение, типа «как так..палец или елду мне в жопу..я теперь не мужик а пидор.»
Ну это зашоренные взгляды мужчин ) не будем до них опускаться.
Опять же..если девушка сделала легкий массаж простаты любимому, необязательно ходить с транспарантом по улицам «мне тыкали в жопу пальцем и мне понравилось»

можно этот секрет оставить при себе и никому не говорить.
Главное знайте — ВЫ НЕ ПИДОР )

массаж простаты, как правило, безопасен для всех здоровых мужчин и регулярное «массажирование» может быть рекомендовано в качестве превентивной меры.

Хотя многие мужчину и получают удовольствие от внешнего массажа простаты, но он не обеспечивает такой интенсивный оргазм простаты как при массаже внутренней простаты. в смысле изнутри

есть масса инструкций по массажу внутреннему.
Но самое важное — ногти коротко обрезаны. Много масла или любриканта, также не надо с нахрапом совать палец мужчине в жо.
надо сначала просто поласкать анус вместе с минетом..
постепенно засовывая пальчик глубже и глубже..когда анальное отверстие расслабится.

в общем, скажем так — чтобы реально добраться внутри до простаты, обычному среднему мужику надо провести несколько этапов и подходов: минет с ласками ануса, потом минет с ласками ануса плюс пальчик на полкарасика, и т.д. пока уже весь пальчик не войдет внутрь )
(не за один день, а несколько дней..такскать подготавливать мужчину)
главное — самой не бояться..
а то мужик испужается..сожмет анальный сфинктер-то..и тюк. в общем ) ниче не будет..но больше он после этого свою попку для ласок не даст )))

если не хотите пальчиком, можно мини-вибраторами или специальными массажерами для простаты. ПРОСТО обычно массажеры простат имеют устрашающий вид.
у мужчин при виде этого массажера может и вовсе нестояние случится ) так что лучше не пугать.
я когда одному своему показала — у него нервный тик начался. «ЭТО я в попу пихать НЕ ДАМ. ПОПУ НЕ ДАМ» и забился под плинтус..мимикрируя параллельно под цвет обоев.

массажировать массажерами..можно только у тех мужчин, которые собсно. не против и страпоном в том числе)

нормальным мужчинам..имхо..хватит и женского пальчика.

Prostate milking, which is the stimulation of the prostate gland in males and also known as prostate massage, is performed either for medical or sexual purposes.

Many men do not know, but milking prostate has many important benefits for men of all ages. Here are two main benefits existing. The first benefit is to improve prostate health and to reduce its problems and pain in an all natural alternative to taking pills, vitamins or supplements. This is important to remember because there is generally no harmful side effects to prostate milking, if you know the correct ways and techniques prior to starting.

The second main benefit is for pleasure. Many men enjoy the sensations and the ability to achieve an orgasmic state of pleasure and what is more commonly known as a prostate orgasm.

Medical Practitioners Agree, Prostate Milking May Have Positive Health Benefits

If you take a look at the picture below, you will see how close the prostate really is to the wall of the rectum. It is this proximity between these two objects that can allow us to massage the prostate to potentially allow for meaningful and natural benefits. Due to the sensitive nature of the associated organs and tissues, it is important to proceed carefully to avoid several painful issues.

Millions of men around the world on a daily basis consume pharmaceutical drugs to combat a variety of prostate problems such as an enlarged prostate or to reduce the pain. Considerations must be given to potential minor side effects as well as major ones while on these substances.

In the last 20 years, more and more men are looking for natural solutions such as vitamins, supplements and nutrition that supports prostate health in a maintenance capacity but also to offer some immediate benefits to improving their condition.

Emerging studies suggest that regular prostate stimulation as well as improved prostate nutrition can have a positive impact.

Prostate milking has a long, rich history throughout the ages and its origins can be traced back to documents and pictures thousands of years ago in Asia and the Far East. These cultures actively believed that it was better to take a proactive healing approach to the prostate to maintain the glands health over a lifetime rather that suffering potential prostate problems later in life.

There are several prostate stimulation studies that support its benefit. Frequent prostate milking, along with a regular prostate cleanse, may offer hope to men who currently are suffering as well as the millions of men who are almost guaranteed to having at least one prostate problem by the age of 60.

How to do it properly. It is very difficult as they may affect different diseases; some of them are very dangerous, such as prostate cancer, which is known as a great influence on a large male population. In lesions warning in May, trying to trade in the prostate, which should be on a regular basis to work as a treatment.

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Maybe turn the word sounds strange to you. This means that a massage in this region, we say, and this can be done independently, without external assistance. Here’s how you do it correctly.

  • First, in the area must be mitigated.
  • Thus, to urinate or relax your intestines to eliminate the stress of the body.
  • It is important to keep nails short and trim, in order to avoid the failure of the delicate skin inside your rectum.
  • Hygiene is also very important. Wash your hands and body thoroughly.
  • To make things easier to put the latex sterile gloves on his hands, you will use for milking your prostate. In addition, some water-based lubricant, resulting in some of your fingers.
  • As a first step, slowly, introducing a finger or more into his anus. You must return, and then click to press a finger on the navel from the inside.
  • You know, when you raised the prostate, where you will feel your fingers are small, round, that the lamp has a size of a large walnut.
  • Now, when you find it, it starts slowly, massage with some waving people on both sides, and without pressing too hard on the central part of which is rich in nerve endings.
  • Do not scratch with nails.
  • You suddenly feel the need to PEE, even if you did not. This is only a feeling, it’s not, and you should continue your massage and ignore it.
  • After a short time in this region will be implemented so that orgasm can occur. It is not always true, but there are many chances that you are experiencing ejaculation.
  • There is some evidence against him. Trade of the prostate can not be used by those who are already suffering from diseases of the prostate or acute prostates, which is an acute inflammation of the glandular tissue. The main reason to prevent trafficking in such cases is that when your foot massages can lead to the spread of infection, so be careful.

Essentials Of Prostate Massage Techniques:

  • Prostate massage should be performed only by a qualified technician and in accordance with the existing evidence.
  • When the prostate massage the patient is lying on its side with legs bent at the knees. Massage is performed with a full bladder, which contributes to a better contact between the fingers and massages the prostate gland.
  • Introducing the index finger into the anus doctor feels the prostate determines its texture and size. He then performs a slow massaging motion in the direction of ducts of the prostate: from the upper outer edges toward the midline.
  • In the first two procedures produce only superficial stroking the prostate, with follow-up procedures carry a slight pressure. In the exercise should be guided by the massage sensations of the patient. This massage should be painless. Also, the intensity of the massage depends on the consistency of the prostate. When soft prostate exercise slack pressing, and on the contrary – with a dense texture of the prostate, due to the pressure increase.
  • Duration of massage of the prostate should not exceed one minute, and a break between sessions for 1-2 days. After the massage the patient empties the bladder and flushes the urethra disinfectant solution.
  • A positive outcome of prostate massage is to allocate at least 4 drops of prostatic juice. Prostatic juice should regularly plunge analysis. In the first days of the report increasing the number of leukocytes in prostatic fluid (up to 60 in the field of view at 4 procedure), but in subsequent days the leukocyte count gradually decreased to 1 and less in the field of view (eighth process). Improving the analysis of prostate juice is a sign of the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Along with massage it can be carried out seminal vesicles and testes contribute to the improvement of blood circulation in these organs and reduce the pain accompanying chronic prostatitis.

As it’s very beneficial for others, it may carry a few risks when used as a preventative treatment. One of the possible reasons behind it to be dangerous is the place where done by a man who has serious prostate and health issues that might become seriously affected when the massage is completed or performed inside of a wrong way. Serious dangers may occur when you’ve gotten acute prostitis, in these cases, it may aggravate the prostate infection and still have it spread to various parts of the body.

Another danger may be the Fournier’s gangrene. It is a skin complaint that is created by bacteria and can affect the genitalia of both men and woman located between scrotum and the anus that will spread through prostate milking. Even blood poisoning and in many cases prostate cancer can spread while in the other parts in the body when the Procedure is completed incorrectly. This is why to avoid most of these things you should get tested before considering this procedure to be performed simply because it can cause serious trouble once done in a wrong way.

However, the dangers are minimal compared to the health benefits it can easily provide in the long term. That’s why, for anyone who is not totally absolutely clear on how to get it done, it is recommended than a medical professional do it instead of doing it on your own. You can accomplish it by doctors and medical practitioners – safely and comfortably. Performing it by oneself seriously isn’t a bad idea. It might really be done alone or by using a partner but doing the work with a partner is easier and more effective because the partner can directly hit the prostate, thus, defining it as very easy on an orgasm.

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Initially, this intimate procedure was very useful in ancient Asian countries where men had several wives at a time. The process helped to support and develop sexual stamina and overall endurance. A man who experienced regular prostate massaging procedures was able to maintain as many erections as he wanted. The mission of this procedure has changed over time. Here’s what we’ve managed to find out…

Prostate Milking Mechanics

The process includes a number of various techniques depending on the specialist and the desired goal. It doesn’t necessarily involve an orgasm, but if you’re interested in a new way of getting sexual pleasure, you can achieve multiple orgasms in several simple steps.

The aim of a stimulation like this is to make your prostate free of stale prostatic liquid. It’s carried out via direct stimulation of a prostate gland. As a result, your prostate muscles contract uncontrollably and throw out the remnants of your fluids giving way to the restart of your sexual arousal cycle.

This therapeutic operation can be done with fingers or numerous mechanic tools with or without vibration. The following ways are usually practiced:

  • Through the perineum (situated in the gap between the scrotum and anus);
  • Internally (through a rectal opening);
  • With the help of Kegel prostate exercise (we’ll write about it further).

You’ll have to follow the instructions and a massage like this can lead to extremely intensive orgasms that you would never expect from regular sexual intercourse or masturbation. Unfortunately, numerous men still hesitate about the experience like this. (1)

Remember: your sexual orientation has nothing to do with the activities that please you most in bed. Have a chat with your partner and find a nerve to do this together because it’s worth it. All men agree that g-spot stimulation has already made them addicted.

Read further for more information about the ways to cum with your prostate.

Yes, getting hooked up on multiple orgasms through prostate milking is possible. You blow off a little steam and get rid of sexual and emotional tensions. It’s a bliss that motivates you and leads you to the path filled with endless orgasmic experiences. Why should only women have the right for multiple orgasms?

If you strive for this ecstatic feeling and if it’s your first time you deal with prostate milking, there are some things you need to take into consideration.

  • Be ready, that you’ll have to break yourself mentally. You will never feel the same after you reach this point. You’ll wait for a chance to perceive it as many times as you can withstand. If you manage to find a partner who will help you with a “therapy” like this, it will be a huge success.
  • You’ll cum with a clear liquid that will look nothing like sperm. It has nothing to do with a regular orgasm you get while masturbating or having sex with your partner. This liquid usually gets renovated on its own. Now there’s a way to intensify the process.

Prostate massage definitely has benefits. The first one you get is especially useful for your brain that has already got used to habitual ways of getting pleasure. The reason why most men feel like screaming when they have their first prostate orgasms is that it’s a new sensation to the brain. It’s an unknown experience that makes your body and mind more sensitive and responsive to stimulations of a different sort.

Ok, how can I find this G-spot myself?

The easiest way to feel it is to get two inches deep into the rectum in the direction of the belly. It’s an end of the nerve that is as sensitive as a woman’s clitoris. The proper stimulation will rewire the regular productivity of your brain. This “reload” will alter the way you treat sexual pleasure forever.

Basic Approaches

Outward Massage

Inward Massage

Kegel Exercise

It means you have to apply direct pressure through the perineum. It can quickly be done not only with fingers but with the powerful sex toys.

This type of massage is often used medically. If you’re a newbie in matters of stimulation like this, you need to understand, that it’s a routine task for doctors dealing with Digital Rectal Examination.

It can ideally be used for getting sexual pleasure. Just follow the instructions.

It’s a medically approved pelvic floor exercise. It can be done differently. This technique is advantageous in case if:

· You want to hold back urine as long as possible;

· You want to increase the stability and hardness of your erections on a regular basis.

External Prostate Milking Process

The perineum is a diamond-shaped area between the genitals and your anus. The male G-spot is positioned right in this area.

  1. Fetch a bottle of almond oil or natural castor oil.
  2. Make sure you know how to contract your pubococcygeus (both males and females have it – it stretches between your legs starting with your belly bottom and finishing with your spine). It helps you control your urination process. If you use this muscle in the process of milking, you’ll be greatly impressed by the results.
  3. Finger your G-spot right. You can also simulate this area while having sex with your partner – this way you’ll duplicate the potential pleasure.
  4. Start with moderate pressure with your fingertips or a special prostate massager. You’ll have to increase the pressure in the process. It’s the same with the stimulation of a woman’s clitoris.
  5. Carry on massaging until you get to the desired peak.

TIP: Try the Prostate Cradle in case if you have enough cash to invest in your sexual pleasure. This magical tool is designed with the physiological specifications of a male body in mind. It’s automatic (in case if you attach a vibrating device to it) and it will do all the work on its own in case if you’re planning not only to exercise but to deliver yourself a massive orgasmic relaxation. That’s a medically approved invention with a ton of positive reviews from the satisfied users.

Internal G-spot Massage Process

As well as the external one, this massage can be performed with the help of your fingers of specifically designed milking tools. Find a specialist who will be able to carry out this procedure for you or do it on your own if you have enough courage for a start. It mostly depends on your aims. If you aren’t doing it for sexual purposes, you can easily entrust yourself into the hands of the medical professionals. If you’re looking for sexual pleasure, the best way will be to study this prostate milking science together with your partner. Mutual emotional stimulation is as important as the physical one.

This type of massage is one of the simplest and most effective ones. It’s not solely a medical treatment of your sexual stamina, but a high possibility to enhance your regular erotic satisfaction.

  1. This may sound displeasing, but make sure that your rectum is empty. In case if your body is too impressed with the stimulation, there’s a high chance that you stop controlling your rectum muscles. This will be your first prostate orgasm experience – don’t spoil it with disappointing issues. The best time for pleasure like this is after the bowel movement.
  2. Have a hot shower or a bath to relax the muscles and to clean your anal opening and rectum as maximum as possible for your potential comfort.
  3. Don’t forget to cut your fingernails. Use a nail file to make the edges of your fingernails smooth in order not to damage your rectum area and let yourself be completely relaxed in the process of penetration.
  4. If you’re still afraid of doing it with your bare hands, purchase a couple of medical gloves in one of the local pharmacies or supermarkets. They are widely available and don’t demand any therapeutic permission. Numerous people buy them for the regular nursing of their pets and baby children. Latex may feel more comfortable for you.
  5. Lay back on a comfortable and stable surface. You can do it both on the back or the side of your body. Make sure you have a soft towel ready.
  6. Use castor oils or any other massage oil to lubricate your anal area. Remember, that the best lubricant solutions are water-based lubes. They are quite costly, but they never cause rashes or unpleasant feelings. They are especially recommended in case if you deal with sex toys – water based lubes provide longevity to the materials used in the structure of every single sex toy including real-life sex dolls.
  7. Fill in your anal hole with a tip of your finger and start rotating it slowly increasing the pressure.
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You have to be slow because your muscles will need time to relax if it’s the first time you do it. Push your finger further until it fully gets into your rectum. Make sure you position your finger or your sex toy at the right angle (the stimulation spot is situated in the direction of your belly bottom). If the angle is correct, your finger will find out the position on its own and side in itself.

Don’t be nervous, breathe in deeply. Keep in mind that you only have to get adjusted to the non-habitual situation. The longer you’re able to stay calm, the faster you’ll make your mind and body relaxed and ready for a new way to get sexual satisfaction. You need to understand that fingering yourself like this you get a lot more than a physiological outlet. You train your stamina and enhance your masculinity.

IMPORTANT! Even if you already have some prostate issues, there’s nothing wrong with doing this procedure on your own. This won’t do any worse to the condition you already have. You’ll have to be gentle and non-hesitant.

The continuous stimulation increases the flow of blood on your prostate area making the stale fluids leave your body giving way to a renewal and refreshment process. That’s why there’s nothing wrong if clear liquid gets out of your penis. It’s a natural beneficial process. In case if you’re a sexually healthy man, you’ll result in quite a lot of fluid. If you suffer from a clinical prostate condition, you won’t get very much of it. Go on with regular prostate milking, and you’ll see that the amount of the released liquid increases, which is favourable.

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