Брахитерапия рака предстательной железы с иридием 192

Брахитерапия рака предстательной железы с иридием 192

*Импакт фактор за 2018 г. по данным РИНЦ

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Ключевые слова: рак предстательной железы, внутритканевая лучевая терапия, высокомощностная брахитерапия, Ir-192 , показания, противопоказания.

Для цитирования: Каприн А.Д., Бирюков В.А., Карякин О.Б., Галкин В.Н., Иванов С.А., Обухов А.А., Борышева Н.Б., Лепилина О.Г., Гуменецкая Ю.В., Гулидов И.А. Применение высокомощностной брахитерапии Ir-192 в лечении рака предстательной железы. РМЖ. 2017;8:492-495

The use of high-dose rate brachytherapy Ir-192 in the treatment of prostate cancer
Kaprin A.D. 1, Biryukov V.A. 2, Karyakin O.B. 2 , Galkin V.N. 2 , Ivanov S.A. 2 , Obukhov A.A. 2 , Borysheva N.B. 2 , Lepilina O.G. 2 , Gumenetskaya Yu.V. 2 , Gulidov I.A. 2

1 National medical research radiological center, Moscow
2 Medical Radiological Research Center named after A.F. Tsyba — Branch of the National medical research radiological center, Obninsk

The development of modern technologies and software has opened before radiotherapists and oncologists the new opportunities for the use of interstitial radiation therapy, namely a high-dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy. This method provides more effective and economically efficient treatment of the patients with prostate cancer with both a localized and regional variant of the disease. The article briefly describes the stages of development of HDR brachytherapy of prostate cancer. The main advantages and disadvantages of the method are reflected in accordance with the data of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as compared to the low-dose rate brachytherapy. Methodical recommendations on the application of the method are given, as well as summary data on the effectiveness of HDR brachytherapy both in combination with remote radiation therapy and alone. The article shows the results of HDR brachytherapy application in the Medical Radiological Research Center named after A.F. Tsyba. A clinical example is given to demonstrate the possibility of using this technique in the treatment of recurrent prostate cancer after previously performed low-dose rate brachytherapy.

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Key words: prostate cancer, interstitial radiation therapy, high-dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy, Ir-192, indications, contraindications.
For citation: Kaprin A.D., Biryukov V.A., Karyakin O.B. et al. The use of high-dose rate brachytherapy Ir-192 in the treatment of prostate cancer // RMJ. 2017. № 8. P. 492–495.

Статья посвящена возможностям применения брахитерапии Ir-192 в лечении рака предстательной железы

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